Newsletter Archives

We hope you enjoy past issues of our e-newsletter.

Activating WONDER

As part of SageRiver’s study of how wonder can inspire strategy, SageRiver’s founder, Susan Heinzeroth, sat down with author and management consultant Judy Goldberg. In a lively conversation, Goldberg shares how intentionally activating wonder can enable strategic shifts that enhance our work and lives. View e-newsletter


We continue our exploration of how wonder can advance strategy through a conversation with photographer Tom Riggs. He shares how we can open our “wonder eyes” more fully to see possibilities that would otherwise stay hidden. View e-newsletter

Recapturing WONDER

Fleeting moments of awe and beauty are the essence of what author Jeffrey Davis calls wonder. And wonder, he argues, is serious business. By tracking wonder, we refresh our thinking-space and open ourselves to creativity, joy and purpose. View e-newsletter

Embracing Communityship

In 2009, Henry Mintzberg introduced a new concept to business leaders shaken by the Great Recession. Writing in the Harvard Business Review, he urged companies to “build back better” by reimagining themselves as communities. View e-newsletter

Gone Fishin’?

SageRiver is capping off a year of #ExcellentAdventures by launching a new website. There, you’ll find fresh case studies and insights to help your organization flourish. View e-newsletter

Winter 2019: Becoming #ExcellentAdventurers Together

John Amatt has spent a lifetime adventuring. By age 20, he’d climbed the highest and steepest mountain face in Europe. From there, he led expeditionary teams through Peru, Nepal, China and Greenland. His adventures taught him the joys of becoming an #ExcellentAdventurer with others.  View e-newsletter

Summer 2019: Your #ExcellentAdventures Start Now

Say the word “adventure,” and I immediately think of travel. I remember hiking to Machu Picchu, savoring the music of Cuba and volunteering with a medical team in India. I looked forward to those trips for months, and I’ve relished the memories ever since.  View e-newsletter

Fall 2018: Our REVolutions Continue

When the new year dawned last January, I posted a series of REVolutions to my social media channels. My aim wasn’t to set goals and check them off a list. Instead, I wanted to establish practices that would foster my continuous evolution.
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Summer 2018: There Are No Outsiders Here

Leaders today feel pulled in opposite directions. Top employees expect personalized, flexible work arrangements and advancement opportunities. Those same employees want to be part of something larger than themselves.
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Standouts: Thanks to Clients, Colleagues, Family and Friends

A colleague recently nominated me for the Denver Business Journal’s 2018 Outstanding Women in Business Awards. I was flattered to be nominated—and stunned when I learned I’d been selected as a finalist in the Small Business Owner category!
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Spring 2018: From Future Shock to Culture Talk

In our e-newsletter series this year, we’ll be exploring a strategic vision for the “Workplace of the Future.” Our goal is to illuminate possibilities for creating engaging, purpose-filled and value-producing workplaces amidst constant change.
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Winter 2017: Reflecting on Growth, Purpose and Making Your Mark

The cold dark nights of December offer a hidden gift. When you step outside, you see the stars in bright relief against the sky.
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Fall 2017: Reflecting on Naming Your Baby

Sitting in a restaurant with friends, my question for them was simple: What should I call this new business I’m launching?
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Spring 2017: Reflecting on Miles to Go, Minutes and Meaning

That question came to mind recently, when I realized SageRiver Consulting would celebrate its 20th anniversary this year.
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