
Sparking WONDER 1529 1071 SageRiver Consulting, Inc.

Sparking WONDER

Does positive social change start with wonder? Denise McHugh, executive director of the Spark Community Foundation, suggests that it may. For the past 16 years, Denise has facilitated a large-scale collective impact initiative focused on reducing and preventing youth homelessness across rural Colorado. During SageRiver’s latest conversation about how wonder can inspire strategy and innovation,…

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Activating WONDER 2068 1438 SageRiver Consulting, Inc.

Activating WONDER

As part of SageRiver’s study of how wonder can inspire strategy, SageRiver’s founder, Susan Heinzeroth, sat down with author and management consultant Judy Goldberg. Following a cancer diagnosis in 2017, Judy realized that skills she spent a lifetime developing were helping her effect positive changes despite the health challenges she faced.  Wanting to share those…

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Seeing WONDER 2000 1333 SageRiver Consulting, Inc.


As part of SageRiver’s study of how wonder can inspire strategy, we sat down with photographer Tom Riggs. He has built his career around exploring landscapes with wonder to find the story, emotion and meaning in the world around him. His insights can help leaders understand how to open their eyes more fully to see…

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Meet Addison Bouck 1707 2560 SageRiver Consulting, Inc.

Meet Addison Bouck

Addison (Addie) Bouck has joined SageRiver this summer as an intern. A true Renaissance woman, Addie is studying history, philosophy and management consulting at the University of Southern California at Los Angeles. She also enjoys art, volunteering, sports and sailing—and recently returned from a semester in Italy, where she spent some of her time learning…

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SageRiver Adds New Consultant 2024 2560 SageRiver Consulting, Inc.

SageRiver Adds New Consultant

Mitchell (Mitch) Heinzeroth joined SageRiver last year as a consultant. With years of executive-level retail experience, he knows how to bridge the gap between strategy and operations. He also knows what it feels like to hang upside down on a rope more than 700 feet in the air. We sat down with Mitch this month…

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Ball Corporation Drives Progress Toward Real Circularity 2560 1707 SageRiver Consulting, Inc.

Ball Corporation Drives Progress Toward Real Circularity

In our “Stories from the Field” series, SageRiver sits down with senior leaders who are transforming their organizations for tomorrow. Our latest conversation is with Ball Corporation’s Mike Schaarschmidt, senior director of supply chain. As a leading supplier of aluminum packaging for beverage, household and personal care customers, Ball is focused on helping the world…

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“The Meaning Quotient: Unlocking the Secret to Joy in Our Work” 800 533 SageRiver Consulting, Inc.

“The Meaning Quotient: Unlocking the Secret to Joy in Our Work”

Editor’s Note: Susan Heinzeroth delivered the following keynote address on Sept. 25, 2020, for the University of Colorado Staff Council’s Staff Excellence Awards ceremony. Without question, COVID-19 has caused tremendous loss and hardship in our community. We don’t want to minimize those difficulties, but we can appreciate the lessons this challenging period offers for us.…

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Personal, Professional or Principled: Which Type of Organization Are You? 800 533 SageRiver Consulting, Inc.

Personal, Professional or Principled: Which Type of Organization Are You?

Nancy Lublin has a secret power. A serial entrepreneur, she launched Dress for Success immediately after college. Today, the nonprofit operates in 25 countries, providing professional clothing, coaching and support to more than one million women. Once that venture was flourishing, Lublin grew another nonprofit to 3.5 million members. And then she left to found…

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Becoming Mindful: Unlocking Innovation by Awakening to the Present 800 533 SageRiver Consulting, Inc.

Becoming Mindful: Unlocking Innovation by Awakening to the Present

During a yoga session one day, my instructor encouraged us to “take an inversion of your choice.” These upside-down poses increase flexibility and circulation and allow us to view the world from different angles. She returned to the idea with a parting question. “Where do you have opportunities to welcome new perspectives?” she asked. It’s…

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Adventuring Together: Life at Epic 1052 789 SageRiver Consulting, Inc.

Adventuring Together: Life at Epic

In our “Stories from the Field” series, SageRiver sits down with senior leaders who are transforming their organizations for tomorrow. Our latest conversation is with Mallory Heinzeroth, who leads the Asia Pacific region for Epic. A global leader in healthcare IT, Epic is known for its electronic medical records software and implementations. The company stays…

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